Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

Massive Open Online Courses or MOOCs, as they are popularly called, are online courses that cater to many learners at a time. Some MOOCs may be free of cost, some others could be of the paid variety. Some MOOCs allow one to access material free but to earn a certificate the learner may need to pay some amount. 

SWAYAM (Study Web of Active learning for Young  Aspiring Minds) offers MOOCs in many Indian languages. 
Link for here

EdX offers MOOCs dreated by Harvard University. Click here  

Check for more MOOCs . Click here 

Are you interested in creating  and hosting an online course ? (I do hope you are !!)

Then check out OpenLearn Create

These guidelines will be useful . Click here

My online course on Education of Differently Abled Learners  on OpenLearn Create can be accessed here . Click here 

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